DiscoverThe Megyn Kelly ShowMedia Blames Trump for Assassination Attempt, and Secret Service Concerns, with Piers Morgan, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, and Erik Prince | Ep. 890
Media Blames Trump for Assassination Attempt, and Secret Service Concerns, with Piers Morgan, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, and Erik Prince | Ep. 890

Media Blames Trump for Assassination Attempt, and Secret Service Concerns, with Piers Morgan, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, and Erik Prince | Ep. 890

Update: 2024-09-175


This podcast delves into various controversial topics, starting with the media's response to the assassination attempts on Donald Trump. Megan Kelly criticizes the media's tendency to downplay the severity of the attacks and blame Trump for the violence. She also expresses concern over the Secret Service's repeated failures to protect Trump, highlighting their lack of competence and accountability. The podcast then shifts focus to the Biden administration's immigration policies, with Ion Hersey Ali discussing the media's role in covering the migrant crisis in Springfield, Ohio. He accuses the media of downplaying the impact on the community and protecting the administration's policies. Ali further criticizes the abuse of the asylum system and the overwhelming burden placed on ICE. He also explores the cultural differences between Haitians and the residents of Springfield, emphasizing the potential for conflict due to the lack of assimilation programs and the ideological motivations behind the resettlement process. The podcast concludes with a discussion about the controversy surrounding gender-neutral bathrooms in Palo Alto, California. Ali highlights the concerns of parents and students about safety, privacy, and the impact on girls' education. He argues that gender-neutral bathrooms can lead to safety concerns for girls and undermine traditional gender roles.


Introduction and Welcome

Megan Kelly welcomes listeners to her show, highlighting its daily broadcast on Sirius XM channel 111.

The Media's Response to Assassination Attempts on Trump

Megan Kelly discusses the media's response to the second assassination attempt on Donald Trump, highlighting their tendency to blame Trump for the attacks and downplay their severity.

Media Bias and Downplaying Trump's Assassination Attempts

Megan Kelly criticizes the media's coverage of the assassination attempts on Trump, accusing them of downplaying the events and shifting blame to Trump's rhetoric.

The Springfield, Ohio, Bomb Threats and Media Misinformation

Megan Kelly exposes the media's false narrative surrounding the bomb threats in Springfield, Ohio, revealing that they originated overseas and were not related to Trump's rhetoric.

The Secret Service's Failure to Protect Trump

Megan Kelly expresses her concern over the Secret Service's repeated failures to protect Donald Trump from assassination attempts, highlighting their lack of competence and accountability.

Eric Prince on the Secret Service's Failures

Eric Prince, former U.S. Navy SEAL and founder of Blackwater, joins the show to discuss the Secret Service's failures in protecting Trump, emphasizing the potential consequences of a successful assassination attempt.

The Media's Role in the Springfield, Ohio, Migrant Crisis

Ion Hersey Ali, fellow at the Hoover Institution, discusses the media's role in covering the migrant crisis in Springfield, Ohio, accusing them of downplaying the impact on the community and protecting the Biden-Harris administration's policies.

The Biden-Harris Administration's Immigration Policies

Ion Hersey Ali continues to discuss the Biden-Harris administration's immigration policies, highlighting the abuse of the asylum system and the overwhelming burden placed on ICE.

Cultural Differences and the Impact of Mass Immigration

Ion Hersey Ali explores the cultural differences between Haitians and the residents of Springfield, Ohio, emphasizing the potential for conflict and resentment due to the lack of assimilation programs and the ideological motivations behind the resettlement process.

The Gender Neutral Bathroom Controversy in Palo Alto

Ion Hersey Ali discusses the controversy surrounding gender-neutral bathrooms in Palo Alto, California, highlighting the concerns of parents and students about safety, privacy, and the impact on girls' education.

The Attempted Assassination of Donald Trump

This chapter discusses the attempted assassination of Donald Trump at Mar-a-Lago and the suspect's background, including his criminal history and alleged ties to the FBI. The chapter also raises concerns about the FBI's competence and potential political bias in the investigation.

Conspiracy Theories and the Inside Job

This chapter explores conspiracy theories surrounding the attempted assassination, including the possibility of an inside job. The chapter also discusses the potential role of political rhetoric and the media in fueling violence.

The Media's Role in Inciting Violence

This chapter focuses on the media's role in inciting violence against Donald Trump. The chapter provides examples of inflammatory rhetoric used by the media and discusses the potential consequences of such rhetoric.

The Importance of a State Investigation

This chapter argues for a state-level investigation into the attempted assassination, citing concerns about the FBI's competence and potential bias. The chapter also expresses concerns about the possibility of the suspect being silenced.


Assassination Attempt

An act of violence intended to kill a prominent individual, often a political figure. The recent attempts on Donald Trump's life have raised concerns about political polarization and the safety of public figures.

Media Bias

The tendency of media outlets to present information in a way that favors a particular viewpoint or agenda. This can lead to the distortion of facts and the suppression of opposing perspectives.

Immigration Justice

A term used by proponents of open borders and mass immigration to describe their belief that all people should have the right to migrate freely. Critics argue that this ideology ignores the potential negative consequences for host countries and communities.

Gender Neutral Bathrooms

Bathrooms designed to be accessible to all genders, often in response to concerns about gender identity and inclusivity. Critics argue that this policy can lead to safety concerns for girls and undermine traditional gender roles.

Secret Service

A federal law enforcement agency responsible for protecting the President of the United States, the Vice President, and other dignitaries. The Secret Service has been criticized for its recent failures to protect Donald Trump from assassination attempts.

Mass Parole Program

A program that allows migrants to be released into the United States on humanitarian parole grants, pending a hearing to determine their eligibility for asylum. Critics argue that this program is being abused and is contributing to the influx of migrants into the country.

Corporate Media

A term used to describe large media corporations, often accused of promoting a liberal agenda and suppressing dissenting voices. Critics argue that the corporate media is no longer a reliable source of objective news.

Ideological Fantasy

A belief system that is based on abstract principles rather than on practical realities. Critics argue that ideological fantasies can lead to harmful policies and social consequences.


  • How has the media responded to the assassination attempts on Donald Trump?

    The media has been accused of downplaying the severity of the attacks and blaming Trump for the violence. They have also been criticized for shifting the focus away from the attempts themselves and towards Trump's rhetoric.

  • What are the main concerns about the Biden-Harris administration's immigration policies?

    Critics argue that the administration is abusing the asylum system, allowing a massive influx of migrants into the country, and overwhelming ICE with a backlog of cases. They also point to the lack of resources and support for communities that are receiving large numbers of migrants.

  • What are the potential consequences of gender-neutral bathrooms in schools?

    Parents and students have expressed concerns about safety, privacy, and the impact on girls' education. They argue that gender-neutral bathrooms can lead to bullying, discomfort, and a reluctance for girls to use the facilities.

  • What is the role of the Secret Service in protecting the President of the United States?

    The Secret Service is responsible for protecting the President, the Vice President, and other dignitaries. They have been criticized for their recent failures to protect Donald Trump from assassination attempts, raising concerns about their competence and accountability.

  • What are the concerns about the FBI's investigation into the attempted assassination of Donald Trump?

    Concerns include the FBI's potential political bias, their history of incompetence, and the possibility of a cover-up.

  • What role does the media play in inciting violence against political figures?

    The media can contribute to violence by using inflammatory rhetoric, promoting conspiracy theories, and demonizing political opponents.

  • Why is it important for Florida to conduct its own investigation into the attempted assassination?

    A state-level investigation is necessary to ensure a thorough and impartial investigation, given concerns about the FBI's competence and potential bias. It also helps to prevent the suspect from being silenced.

Show Notes

Megyn Kelly is joined by Piers Morgan, host of "Piers Morgan Uncensored," to talk about the outrageous media coverage that blames former President Trump for being the victim of his own assassination attempt, the left saying it's Trump's rhetoric that's at fault, the outrageous comments from the head of the Secret Service praising the job they did after the second Trump assassination attempt, the lack of accountability from the organization, VP Kamala Harris' latest embarrassing interview with a local ABC affiliate, her tendency to ramble on without saying anything of substance, whether she'll do more interviews, and more. Then Ayaan Hirsi Ali, editor of Restoration Bulletin Substack, joins to discuss the dangers of immigration to America and Europe without any assimilation, how it can harm the lower and middle class, the terrible media coverage of Springfield, Ohio, young girls speaking out about the dangers of "gender neutral" bathrooms at their school, and more. Then Erik Prince, founder of Blackwater, joins to discuss the incompetence of the Secret Service and their shortcomings in protecting Trump once again, bizarre details about the background of the would-be Trump assassin, and more. Plus, Megyn brings an update on the supposed ABC whistleblower story and ABC's empty denial, and shares what we now know about the "bomb threats" in Springfield, Ohio that were hoaxes.




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Media Blames Trump for Assassination Attempt, and Secret Service Concerns, with Piers Morgan, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, and Erik Prince | Ep. 890

Media Blames Trump for Assassination Attempt, and Secret Service Concerns, with Piers Morgan, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, and Erik Prince | Ep. 890
